Kaitlin and Brad got married in downtown Pittsburgh at the First United Presbyterian Church: a historical building that boasts a pretty spectacular interior with its intricate stain glass windows and epic wooden doors that act as a backdrop to the altar. Even with all the beautiful architecture it was hard to stop looking at Kaitlin and Brad. Kaitlin was all smiles during the ceremony as she was during the entirety of the day. She was marrying her best friend and couldn’t be more excited about it.

Every wedding takes on its own special moments. Those moments are what I cherish the most when capturing a wedding day with my camera. Sometimes when I look through the viewfinder I cant help but smile. People are gracious enough to open up to me and share an intimate day where their true personalities come out. I absolutely love it. So when Brad sent Kaitlin flowers in the morning with a love note attached I was smiling, when Kaitlin surprised her aunt with a birthday cake for her 89th birthday I was smiling, and when Kaitlin surprised her mom who means the world to her with a special dance for just the two of them I couldn’t help but have a huge grin on my face behind the camera. Every wedding is different. Each one is special.  It’s simply fantastic.

The kids at this wedding were nothing short of awesome. Rhailynn the flower girl was cute, helpful, hysterical,  and broke out some serious moves on the dance floor. The ring bearers thought my camera was made out of candy, which I figured out after multiple attempts of trying to eat my lenses. Not only were they interested in photography, but they rocked some killer dinosaur PJ’s at the reception. I wonder if I can pull that look off….

Kaitlin and Brad….. your sincere generosity and kindness to me and Matt was amazing. Thank you for inviting us to such a special day. I wish you both a romantic and fulfilled life together. Have fun in Mexico!

Comments +

  1. Susan Bourke says:

    Ab Fab everyone of them sorry we did not make it over but now I feel as if we were there too.Have a wonderful holiday and make a plan to celebrate the 1st anniversary in Ireland!

  2. Mary Lamanna says:

    Beautiful pictures, beautiful bride, handsome groom! So happy for both of you! Congratulations!

  3. Carol Momeyer Bearce says:

    Looks like you had an awesome day! I am so happy for you!

  4. Jennifer Lynn Matthews says:

    I love your pictures they were almost as beautiful as you were……wink, wink.

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