Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a sucker for great light, dogs, and meeting down-to-earth people. So it won’t come as any surprise that Jennifer and Jesse’s engagement session in Somerset, PA was one that stood out. I met up with the couple at the Somerset Country Club  and they greeted me with open arms and open minds. We rode around in golf carts and scouted out the perfect light. I would like to a request a golf cart for every engagement session by the way. Way too much fun. We started the shoot out by me directing Jen to stand in the middle of a waterfall with heels on and the only thing she was concerned about was that I was getting eaten alive by bugs. If that doesn’t say something about how great this couple is, I have many more examples from the day to share.

For one, they let me meet their German Shorthaired Pointer, Toby. After running up to us for a couple of seconds he soon realized we weren’t as interesting as a stick in the yard, and immediately bolted to a bush to chase down a bird and pointed as soon as he did. Like a furry statue he stayed there until I came over and acknowledged that he did a great job. He was quite the guy and I kind of wanted him for myself. It was great to see Toby, Jennifer, and Jesse at their home because they felt most comfortable there. Not to mention the awesome view of hills and mountains and the cornfield surrounding the property. I mean really, who gets to say they have a cornfield in their backyard anymore?

We finished the day by the water where Jen grew up. By the end, they were kissing and laughing the entire time without a single cue from me and that’s why I loved this engagement session. They were nervous at first, as are most people that get in front of the camera, but really loosened up and let me see their real smiles and the love between them. Their personalities compliment each other perfectly, and I think Jennifer is the only person on Earth to get Jesse to smile that much. Jennifer and Jesse are two of the kindest, most genuine people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with and I can’t wait for their wedding in November.

….I should also mention that the day actually ended with my drive home where Abbey and I finished the entire bag of deer jerky that Jesse made himself. It was delicious and we can’t wait to eat the 5 lb. bologna stick and brisket in the near future. I told you….they are seriously awesome!


Comments +

  1. Jesse A Friedline says:

    Amazing! Couldn’t ask for a better person to take our pictures!

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