I’ve known Trevor for quite some time now. We go back to elementary school days when we were tossing dodge balls together. I can only imagine that Trevor would have loved Cory just as much back then (pulling her pigtails and all). I can say that with confidence because his love  was evident throughout the entirety our engagement session. I have a tendency to ask my clients to do some ridiculous things while taking photographs. It was no different during Cory and Trevor’s session. Can you guys climb on the top of that rock? Hop over that gap with a 20  foot drop? Go to the very edge of the cliff? They were game for all of it and Trevor held Cory’s hand the whole time to make sure she was safe. Gentleman. Enough said.

Cory is such a sweetheart and I am extremely thankful for it. It rained during the majority of our session but that didn’t stop her from trucking on. She was willing to pose even when the umbrella wasn’t present. Although, I must say my favorite shot of their engagement session is the two of them under the umbrella together. Eventually, after many trips in and out of the warm car to defrost our toes and fingers, we outlasted the rain. It was worth it. I am a believer that the best photographs live on the edges. At the end of a day, the morning dew when sun rises again, or when clouds part to let the sun shine after a rainstorm. So when the rain stopped and the sun peeked through I was thrilled to shoot on one of those edges. The light that we got right after the rain stopped was stunning. Not to mention McConnell’s Mill looks amazing with the fall colors this time of year! Check out their photographs. You can see for yourself.

Thanks for a great rainy day you two! I can’t imagine it any other way.


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